View into the auditorium

Events in 2016

Impressions from the events of the Collegium Europaeum Jenense
View into the auditorium
Image: Wolfgang Hölzer

2. ESA-Day of the CEJ: Space Research, Pillar of the European Knowledge Society, 30. June 2016

2. ESA-Tag des CEJ: "Weltraumforschung, ein Pfeiler der europäischen Wissensgesellschaft"

Rosetta/Philar - A journey to the origins of our solarsystem (Rosetta/Philae – Eine Reise zu den Ursprüngen unseres Sonnensystems): Prof. Dr. Tilman Spohn (C, Institute of planetary research)

Astrobiology - Life in our neighbourhood (Astrobiologie – Leben in unserer Nachbarschaft): Dr. Jean Pierre Paul de Vera (German Aerospace Center)

  • View into the auditorium
    View into the auditorium
    Image: Wolfgang Hölzer
  • Prof. Dr. Tilman Spohn – German Aerospace Center (DLR)
    Prof. Dr. Tilman Spohn – German Aerospace Center (DLR)
    Image: Wolfgang Hölzer
  • Discussion with Prof. Dr. Tilman Spohn
    Discussion with Prof. Dr. Tilman Spohn
    Image: Wolfgang Hölzer
  • Dr. Jean Pierre Paul de Vera – German Aerospace Center (DLR)
    Dr. Jean Pierre Paul de Vera – German Aerospace Center (DLR)
    Image: Wolfgang Hölzer
  • View into the Auditorium
    View into the Auditorium
    Image: Wolfgang Hölzer
  • Discussion with Dr. Jean Pierre Paul de Vera
    Discussion with Dr. Jean Pierre Paul de Vera
    Image: Wolfgang Hölzer

100 Years General Theory of Relativity by Einstein: from everyday to the newest Discoverys, 19. October 2016

100 Jahre Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie: "Einsteins Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie: vom Alltag bis zu den neuesten Entwicklungen"

Welcoming speech: Prof. Dr. Walter Rosenthal (President of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena)

Phenomenons of the general theory of relativity (Phänomene der Allgmeinen Relativitätstheorie): Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schäfer (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)

Geometry und gravitation: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Huisken (University of Tübingen)

  • Greetings by president Prof. Dr. W. Rosenthal
    Greetings by president Prof. Dr. W. Rosenthal
    Image: CEJ
  • Lecture by Prof. Dr. G. Schäfer
    Lecture by Prof. Dr. G. Schäfer
    Image: CEJ
  • Lecture Prof. Dr. G. Huisken
    Lecture Prof. Dr. G. Huisken
    Image: CEJ
  • Prof. Dr. G. Huisken during the discussion
    Prof. Dr. G. Huisken during the discussion
    Image: CEJ
  • Lecture by Prof. Dr. G. Schäfer
    Lecture by Prof. Dr. G. Schäfer
    Image: CEJ
  • Prof. Dr. G. Schäfer during the discussion
    Prof. Dr. G. Schäfer during the discussion
    Image: CEJ
  • Lecture by Prof. Dr. G. Huisken
    Lecture by Prof. Dr. G. Huisken
    Image: CEJ
  • Auditorium
    Image: CEJ

Opening of the Series THINKING EUROPE:                                          Origins of Conceptions of Humankind, 01. November 2016

Eröffnung der Veranstaltungsreihe EUROPA DENKEN: "Herkunft unseres Menschenbildes"

The antique image of humankind during the 5th century before christ (Das antike Menschenbild des 5. vorchristlichen Jahrhundert): Prof. Dr. Martik Hose (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich)

The occidental concept of humankind (Der abendländische Begriff vom Menschen): Prof. Dr. Miriam Rose (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)

  • Opening by Hanns von Mühlenfels
    Opening by Hanns von Mühlenfels
    Image: CEJ
  • Group photo
    Group photo
    Image: CEJ
  • Discussion with Prof. Dr. Rose
    Discussion with Prof. Dr. Rose
    Image: CEJ
  • Lecture by Prof. Dr. Rose
    Lecture by Prof. Dr. Rose
    Image: CEJ
  • Lecture by Prof. Dr. Rose
    Lecture by Prof. Dr. Rose
    Image: CEJ
  • Lecture by Rof. Dr. Hose
    Lecture by Rof. Dr. Hose
    Image: CEJ
  • Discussion with Prof. Dr. Hose
    Discussion with Prof. Dr. Hose
    Image: CEJ
  • Lecture by Prof. Dr. Hose
    Lecture by Prof. Dr. Hose
    Image: CEJ