Events in 2017
Impressions from the events of the Collegium Europaeum Jenense
Soloists: Sylvia Ackermann (Piano) and Annette Wehnert (Violin)
Lecture: Georg Ott (Restorer of historic musical instruments)
Lecture: Prof. Dr. Harald Dörig (Former judge at the federal administration court Leipzig and honorary professor at the university Jena)
Presentation and Annotation: Prof. Dr. Martina Haedrich (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
Lectures: Dr. Ernest Kuczynski, Prof. Dr. Werner Greiling, Udo Scheer
Lecture: Prof. Dr. Christoph Ohler, LL.M. (Friedrich Schillern University Jena)
Lecture: Prof. Dr. Rainer Riedel (University of Applied Science Cologne)
Lectures: Prof. Dr. Bernd Müller-Röber (University Potsdam) and Prof. Dr. Peter Kunzmann (University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover)